Implementing a Third-Party Enrollment System with AWS

Challenge An educational program provider needed assistance managing the implementation of a third-party online enrollment system (OES) to: Salvage the relationship with the client’s software vendor Establish clarity in requirements and a revised plan to implement the vendor solution Drive mutual understanding of project issues and a path to resolution so future deadlines were not […]
Promoting STEM Education Through Alexa Programming Skills

Challenge Loudoun Country Day School (LCDS) is an accredited, independent, non-profit, preschool through eighth-grade school in Loudoun County, Virginia, that was founded in 1953 and has been awarded “best independent school” multiple times. Infinitive partnered with LCDS to teach middle school students how to program an Amazon Alexa device. The idea was born from Infinitive’s college […]
Spurring Product Adoption Through Customer Outreach

Challenge A global leader in the education industry needed to create a personalized customer outreach program to ensure success of a product transformation and address: Lack of outbound call center capabilities needed to proactively manage the impacts of product changes Insufficient internal resources to design and execute customer outreach campaigns A need to rapidly scale […]
Education Challenges During COVID-19 This year’s COVID crisis came at us fast. Everyone—individuals, corporations, small businesses, and schools—had to adjust to a new online life in a matter of weeks. Schools and universities took an especially hard hit because of their reliance on in-person interactions. Some institutions had already embraced some forms of online education and had an […]
Revamping the Salesforce Ecosystem
Challenge A leading nonprofit serving higher education needed a strategic assessment of Salesforce to improve customer acquisition, retention, and internal operating efficiency. Specifically, the organization needed to address: Uncertainty around the current Salesforce ecosystem implementation and its ability to meet future strategic and tactical needs Lack of defined customer journeys and processes that impacted the […]