Using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to Detect Cashback Fraud in Online Gaming

What is cashback fraud?

Cashback fraud in online betting typically involves users exploiting promotional offers designed to refund a portion of their losses. Fraudsters might create multiple accounts to place opposing bets, ensuring that one account wins while the other loses, thereby manipulating the system to maximize the cashback rewards. This type of fraud undermines the integrity of betting platforms and can lead to significant financial losses for the operators. Detecting such fraudulent activities requires sophisticated systems that can analyze betting patterns, user behavior, and transaction histories to identify anomalies indicative of misuse.

Why use RAG?

The key strength of RAG in detecting cashback fraud revolves around the ability of a RAG system to almost instantly match a new transaction to historical transactions that have been labeled either “fraudulent” or “legitimate”. This matching is done by first converting the information about the new transaction into vectors and then using cosine similarity to measure the cosine of the angle between the vector representing the new transaction and historical transactions stored in the vector database. It is particularly effective for determining similarity regardless of the magnitude of the vectors, making it ideal for comparing transactions of varying sizes.

Specific strengths of RAG in detecting cashback fraud.

Cosine similarity significantly enhances RAG’s (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) ability to fight cashback fraud by enabling accurate and efficient comparison of transaction vectors. Here’s how it impacts RAG’s effectiveness in this context:

  1. Identifying similar transactions:
    • Detection of Patterns: By comparing the vector of a new transaction to the vectors of past transactions, cosine similarity helps identify patterns indicative of fraudulent behavior, such as repeated transaction amounts, frequencies, or user behaviors.
    • Anomaly Detection: High cosine similarity between a new transaction and previously identified fraudulent transactions can flag the new transaction for further investigation.
  2. Efficient Retrieval
    • Speed and Scalability: Computing cosine similarity is computationally efficient, allowing RAG systems to quickly retrieve and compare vast amounts of transaction data in real-time, which is crucial for high-transaction environments like online betting.
    • Real-time Fraud Detection: This efficiency enables real-time detection and response to potentially fraudulent activities, minimizing the window for fraudsters to exploit cashback systems.
  3. Enhanced Contextual Understanding
    • Detailed Explanations: When similar transactions are retrieved, the language model can generate detailed explanations based on the retrieved data, providing insights into why a transaction might be fraudulent. For example, it can highlight patterns such as identical or closely timed transactions across multiple accounts.
    • Improved Accuracy: Accurate retrieval of similar transactions improves the overall accuracy of fraud detection, as the generation model relies on high-quality, relevant data to make its assessments.
  4. Adaptability
    • Evolving Detection Mechanisms: As new fraud patterns emerge, the system can update its database of transaction vectors and continue to use cosine similarity to detect these new patterns effectively.
    • Continuous Improvement: This adaptability ensures that the RAG system remains robust against evolving fraud tactics, continually improving its ability to detect and prevent cashback fraud.

By leveraging a RAG system, you can create a robust cashback fraud detection mechanism that not only identifies potentially fraudulent transactions but also provides clear explanations, enhancing transparency and trust in the detection process.