Live Sports Streaming Inventory Forecasting


Sideline spreadsheets and guesswork for accurate inventory forecasts

Enhance your live sports streaming ad operations with Infinitive’s AI-powered forecasting solution, delivering precise ad inventory predictions and integration with your existing ad stack to grow revenue and improve operational efficiency.


Streaming sports viewership is exploding, creating unprecedented opportunities for ad revenue. However, outdated forecasting methods are no longer sufficient to accurately predict inventory in such a dynamic environment. The key to keeping pace with this rapid growth lies in leveraging another transformative technology: AI. AI-powered forecasting solutions are essential for navigating the complexities of sports viewership and ensuring accurate ad inventory predictions. For media companies holding high-dollar sports TV and streaming contracts, maximizing ad revenue is crucial. Evolve your forecasting approach and capitalize on the booming live sports market to ensure you’re not leaving money on the table.​

Solution Summary

Infinitive’s live sports forecasting solution has three primary capabilities


AI-Driven​ Forecasting Engine​

An AI-driven forecasting engine will improve accuracy of baseline forecasts incorporating data that addresses many of the unique dynamics of sports and sports viewing. ​
Key Features Include:​

  • Estimated viewership volume over the course of the game/event​
  • Breakout of streams by device type​
  • Ongoing “learning” by comparing forecasts with actuals (e.g., from Nielsen) and ad server logs


Forecast Review & Adjustment UI​

An intelligent user interface will enable users to easily review forecasts and make manual adjustments if needed. The UI will provide insights beyond common spreadsheet solutions and ad server capabilities. ​
Key Features Include:​

  • Ability to view forecasts in multiple dimensions and apply filters for more focused insights​
  • Granular controls to adjust forecasts to reflect additional factors​
  • Interactive data visualizations


Workflow ​ & Notifications​

The end-to-end process for creating and approving forecasts will be tool-driven, automated (where possible), and integrated with leading ad servers via standard APIs.​ ​
Key Features Include:​

  • Approval workflow for forecast changes​
  • Automated or assisted forecast data exports and imports from ad server​
  • Rule-driven alerts to sales and Planning for significant changes in forecasts leading up to an event/game.

Solution Benefits

Infinitive’s live sports inventory forecasting solution maximizes revenue potential while providing unprecedented visibility over past and future inventory trends. ​

Reduced Waste; ​ Less Over- and Under-Selling​

Sell and plan with greater confidence; reducing impressions that go unsold to maximize revenue. ​

Optimized Pricing & Inventory Utilization​

Improved forecasting reduces make-goods from over forecasted streams, supports price optimization, and ensures that the advertising slots are used in the most effective manner possible.

Deeper Insights and Forecasting Transparency ​

Leverage AI to gain data-driven insights into forecasting trends with finer granularity to power predictive analytics and refine pricing strategies to boost revenue.​

Increase Operational​ Efficiencies​

Reduce efforts required to build baseline forecasts, make periodic updates, as well as efforts to manage and reallocate unsold or oversold ad inventory.​

The potential for data-driven forecasting​

There are many potential factors that may impact a forecast. Applying these will help improve accuracy, consistency, and continuous improvement. ​


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